2011年6月24日 星期五

[新聞]陶菲克晉級八強 -- 雅加達郵報

Taufik, RI pairs forge through to quarterfinals

Agnes Winarti, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 06/24/2011 8:00 AM

陶菲克與中國帥哥--鮑春來在賽後隔網握手      credit of Djarum Badminton

Taufik Hidayat may still have a long way to go to the final of the Djarum Indonesia Open Super Series Premier , but Thursday’s second round of the badminton championship gave him something to savor.

His 21-19, 25-23 win over Bao Chunlai improved his poor record against the Chinese shuttler, who had won eight of their last 10 encounters before Thursday’s match.

It was another grueling match for the 30-year-old world number three after slogging through his longest match ever against young Malaysian star Daren Liew on Wednesday.

That match lasted 77 minutes, with Taufik finally winning 30-28, 21-23, 21-12.

 陶菲克週四戰勝之前對鮑春來 2 勝 8 負的劣勢交手紀錄, 以 21-19, 25-23 些微差距獲勝. 而且他前一天才以30歲之姿與馬來西亞選手劉國倫鏖戰77分, 最後以 30-28, 21-23, 21-12 晉級第二輪.

“There is a long way to go as [Friday] is only the quarterfinal stage. However, this match was my chance to prove that I am old but still capable,” the 2004 Olympic gold medalist said after the match Thursday.

“All this time, critics keep telling me to give up badminton and allow a younger generation to rise. I still hope that younger players rise, the sooner the better. But as we’re not at that stage yet, don’t tell me to quit [playing],” Taufik said.

“My 2-8 record [against Bao] means nothing. Playing at home, the magnificent support of the crowd was huge motivation to win.”

 陶菲克在賽後接受訪問時表示, "週五才只是八強賽而已, 後面還有很多路要走, 不過這也是我證明我"廉頗老矣, 尚能飯否"的機會. 一直以來, 球評告訴我, 要我放棄羽球, 讓年輕的新人接手, 我也希望年輕人可以接棒, 而且愈快愈好. 但是目前還不到那個階段, 別再告訴我, 要我退休.

 "我對鮑春來 2 勝 8 負的交手紀錄根本不代表什麼, 在家鄉打球, 現場觀眾震耳欲聾的加油聲更是我贏球的動力."

On Friday, Taufik will meet fellow veteran Peter Gade of Denmark, who advanced with a 21-15, 21-19 win over South Korea’s Sho Wan-ho.

The two have met 17 times, with Taufik winning nine of their matches. Gade, however, won their last match at the All England Open.

 陶菲克週五將與丹麥老將彼得.蓋德相逢, 兩人之間有17次交手紀錄, 雖然陶菲克有 9 勝佔據上風, 但上次交手是在全英公開賽, 由蓋德獲勝.

“I always look forward to my next meeting with Gade, who is a good friend. Win or lose, I will surely enjoy playing against him,” Taufik said.

 陶菲克表示, "我一直期望能再跟蓋德交手, 他是我的好友, 不管贏或輸, 我肯定能享受與他打球的樂趣."

While Taufik triumphed, younger Indonesians Simon Santoso and Hayom Rumbaka were defeated.

 雖然陶菲克獲勝晉級, 但印尼年輕好手西蒙.桑托索及倫巴卡卻都吞敗遭淘汰.

In the shock result of the day, Japan’s Sho Sasaki beat China’s Lin Dan 21-12, 21-18, while tournament top seed Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia advanced with a 21-17, 21-12 drubbing of Hong Kong’s Wong Wing Ki.

In the women’s singles, Adrianti Firdasari kept Indonesia’s hopes alive by ousting Taiwan’s Tai Tzu Ying. Tai tamed world number two Wang Xin from China in the previous round.

Adrianti, who began the tournament as a qualifier, won the match 19-21, 21-14, 21-14.

“I’m grateful for reaching the quarterfinal as it has not been an easy ride as a qualifier. I have no target, I’m just trying to do my best from match to match,” she said.

 阿利央蒂昨天以 19-21 21-14 21-14 逆轉擊敗中華台北選手戴資穎, 晉級八強, 她是從資格賽一路打上來的. "對於能夠晉級八強賽, 我很高興, 因為要從資格賽一路贏過來, 並不容易. 我並沒有設定目標, 我只想盡己所能打好每一場球."

China lost another title contender when world number one Wang Shixian was ousted 15-21, 17-21 by unseeded Taiwanese Cheng Shao Chieh.

以下部份就請大家自行閱讀, 沒有訪問內容, 就只是報比賽結果而已

Indonesian mixed doubles title hopefuls Tontowi Ahmad and Liliyana Natsir enjoyed an easy ride to the quarterfinal, outclassing Japan’s Shoji Sato and Shizuka Matsuo 21-8, 21-12.

After defeating compatriots M Rijal and Debby Susanto 21-14, 19-21, 21-15 Indonesian mixed doubles rising stars Fran Kurniawan and Pia Zebadiah Bernadet will meet Taiwan’s Chen Hung Ling and Cheng Wen Hsing, who beat third seed Danish pairing Joachim Fischer Nielsen and Christinna Pedersen.

Cheng, who also paired with Chien Yu Chin in the women’s doubles, lost to Indonesian women’s pair Vita Marissa and Nadya Melati 19-21, 21-23. Vita and Nadya go on to face Malaysia’s Chin Eei Hui and Wong Pei Tty.

Indonesia’s Meiliana Jauhari and Greysia Polii also made it to the quarterfinal after beating India’s Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnapa 22-20, 18-21, 21-18.

Indonesian men’s doubles pair Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan hope to follow younger compatriots Bona Septano and M. Ahsan — who defeated top seeds Fang Chieh Min and Lee Sheng Mu of Taiwan — as well as qualifiers Angga Pratama and Ryan Agung Saputra — who defeated South Korea’s Lee Yong-dae and Jung Jae-sung — into the quarterfinals.

 新聞來源: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/06/24/taufik-ri-pairs-forge-through-quarterfinals.html

