2013年5月9日 星期四


 世界羽聯(BWF)果然遵守規定, 在不久前發出新聞稿, 說明林丹獲得今年廣州世錦賽外卡資格的原委.


 四屆世錦賽冠軍--中國的林丹獲得世界羽聯(BWF)給予外卡參賽資格, 將在今年 8 月尋求衛冕。

 BWF世錦賽管理委員會經過投票, 無異議地通過給予林丹參加今年 8 月 5~11日在廣州舉行的世界羽球錦標賽男單項目的外卡資格, 中國羽球協會接受這項殊榮。

 世錦賽管委會認為以林丹目前所取得的成就及能力, 以及他對球迷的吸引力將會大幅提升比賽的精彩度. 這也是本屆比賽唯一給予的一個外卡資格。

 在倫敦奧運成功衛冕男單冠軍之後, 林丹就很少參加比賽, 使得他的國際排名下滑, 使得他無法透過正常的資格選拔入選世錦賽. 而他獲得外卡資格之後, 將可能提升他與馬來西亞選手李宗偉之間的對抗性, 李宗偉多年來一直維持在世界排名第一, 但屢屢在大型比賽決賽輸給林丹, 包括2012年倫敦及2008年北京奧運會決賽。


Four-time world champion, Lin Dan of China, will defend his title in August, compliments of a wild card from the Badminton World Federation.

The BWF’s Committee of Management (COM) for the World Championships has voted unanimously to award the legendary Men’s Singles player a wild card for the 5-11 August showpiece in Guangzhou in his homeland. The offer has been accepted by the China Badminton Association (CBA).

Exercising its prerogative to nominate a wild-card entry in each category, the COM determined the 29-year-old’s stature and fan appeal would significantly enhance the championships. This was the only wild card awarded.

Having competed in few tournaments since retaining his Olympic crown last summer, Lin Dan’s international ranking fell. This ruled him out of direct qualification for the World Championships. His wild-card berth will likely reignite prospects of a possible rekindling of the rivalry between him and his Malaysian archrival, Lee Chong Wei. The latter is the reigning world number one but has lost to Lin Dan in major finals, including the gold-medal matches at the London 2012 and Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

 新聞網址: http://www.bwfbadminton.org/news_item.aspx?id=73596

