2011年5月30日 星期一


 世界羽聯(BWF)在5月29日發表聲明, 接受"羽球女性委員會(Women in Badminton Committee"的建議, "進一步研究有關選手服裝的規定, 暫緩實施強制女選手穿著裙裝的第19.2條的新規定", 等於是無限期擱置這條規定.

 由於蘇迪曼盃世界羽球混合團體錦標賽正在青島舉行, BWF 就趁便在週六於青島召開會議討論這條引發諸多爭議的新規定.

 其實世界羽聯很早就鼓勵女性選手穿著裙裝來比賽, 希望能為這項運動爭取更多的曝光率及廠商贊助等, 不過推行多年卻成效不彰, 直到去年底世界羽聯理事會開會決定, 將"鼓勵"改為"強制"納入在規則之中, 甚至制定處罰方式.

 由於今年5月起是2012年倫敦奧運會的積分期, 所以世界羽聯就將新規則的實施日期定在5月1日, 一開始反彈最激烈是來自中國及印度的女選手賽娜, 眼見實施日期將近, 反彈聲浪依舊不退, 世界羽聯就讓步把實施日期延後一個月, 甚至還發出裙裝參考標準.

 這一舉措反而引發出更多的反彈, 包括前丹麥球后卡蜜拉.馬汀(Camilla Martin)及巴基斯坦羽協資深副總裁兼亞洲羽協副總裁都公開表示反對這項新規定.

 世界羽聯超級系列賽行銷主管 S. Selvam 在5月初接受法新社記者訪問時表示, 女性選手的裙裝令可能會因各國選手的反對而廢除. 他說, 最初的反對來自中國, 印尼及印度, 後來也有一些反對來自丹麥與瑞典. 這消息一出更是讓反對裙裝令的勢力士氣大振, 積極串聯.

 於是終於5月28日召開的世界羽聯年度大會上提案成功, 擱置這條規定. 其實這項規定在女性選手之間也是意見分歧, 並不是全然反對, 多數女性選手都同意世界羽聯推廣羽球運動的用心, 但是反對這條規定剝奪選手自由選擇衣著的權利.

 不過宣布這條規定之後, 有不少女選手開始穿起褲裙, 也覺得自己穿著褲裙在場上變得更好看.

BWF Council to investigate new clothing regulations further

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Badminton World Federation (BWF) has accepted a recommendation from the Women In Badminton Committee to further study on the general clothing regulations and thereby not to introduce the regulations as currently drafted regarding the mandatory use of skirts or dresses.

The mandatory ruling was initially supposed to be implemented on 1 May 2011 but after feedback from various quarters, was deferred by one month to 1 June 2011.

The Women In Badminton Committee, headed by former world champion Nora Perry, said the recommendation was also based on feedback from the Athletes Commission.

The Athletes Commission represents the players’ interests in the BWF Council with full voting rights.

“There have been various feedbacks from many quarters and after taking into account all these comments, especially those from the Athletes Commission, it is our recommendation to Council to do further study before implementing new clothing regulations. It is still our intention to focus on a better presentation of the game, but we will like to broaden the scope to include both men and women, and the feedback will also include views from various stakeholders such as the clothing manufacturers”, said Perry.

“The Committee is also pleased that the BWF Council has accepted our recommendation and we would continue to work closely with the Athletes Commission, clothing manufacturers and other stakeholders to prepare a new proposal with a broader scope to Council in December.

聲明稿的最後一段指出, 羽球女性委員會將密切與選手協會, 服裝廠商及其相關人士合作, 在今年12月提交一份新的提議送交世界羽聯執委會.

