2011年4月22日 星期五

[BWF]宣布"裙裝令"延後一個月實施, 多給選手一些時間調適


 世界羽聯(BWF)在4月21日發布新聞稿宣布: 女子選手的“裙裝令”將從5月1日延至6月1日起強制實施. 而第一個實施“裙裝強制令”的國際大賽是6月14日新加坡公開賽.

 世界羽聯副主席派山在新聞稿中表示, 「多年來, BWF 已經努力鼓勵羽球服裝廠商及選手能夠共同合作提昇羽球比賽的可看性.... 然而, BWF 也願意聆聽選手的意見, 因此決定將此比賽服裝規定的實施日期稍微延後一個月至6月1日, 增加與選手對此規定的對話及建議的時間. 」

 世界羽聯表示會考慮選手的意見, 但也強調這項服裝規定「絕不是歧視任何宗教或信仰, 而且是尊重女性.」

 這項裙裝令引發不少選手及球迷反彈: 裙裝不是問題, 而是規定的強制性.

 中國的雙打好手于洋、印度第一女單內瓦爾及雙打好手古塔(Jwala Gutta)都在受訪時, 對裙裝令表達反彈.

 根據新的規定--Section 1B Appendix 11 page 3, 違反服裝禁令第一次將被處以250美元的罰款, 之後每次罰款500美元.

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New Date for New Clothing Regulations
Regulation 19.2 will now come into effect on 1 June 2011.
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Badminton’s new clothing regulations, part of an overall campaign to raise the profile of women in Badminton and profile of the sport, will be implemented on 1 June 2011, granting Member Associations and players another month to adapt to the new ruling.

The BWF has received feedback from various parties with regards to the introduction of Rule 19.2 of the General Competition Regulations which require female players to wear skirts or dresses for Level 1 to 3 tournaments. This specific regulation has its genesis in the extensive review into the marketing and events structure conducted by an external international marketing agency in 2009.

The BWF has developed guidelines to go alongside the new Regulation, to ensure that it will not in any way discriminate against any religious or other beliefs and respects women. Players will continue to wear shorts if they wish but simply wear a skirt over the top of the shorts, as is often practiced already by some players.

Many players have supported the intention of the rule, but some have asked why it is necessary to make a regulation.

“Sometimes it is necessary to make rules to get a consistent implementation. BWF have for many years encouraged both Badminton clothing manufacturers and players to produce and wear clothing that would enhance the presentation of the game in general,” said BWF Deputy President Paisan Rangsikitpho.

“We are however always willing to listen to the players, which is why we have decided to delay the implementation date slightly to 1 June to be able to advise and have a dialogue with the players on the implementation guidelines.”

Rangsikitpho also added that the one-month extension will provide an opportunity for its Members to fully understand the reasons behind the new rule leading up to its 28 May AGM in Qingdao, China.

The new rule was supposed to be enforced on 1 May 2011. But with the one month extension, the first tournament with these rules will therefore be in June at the Singapore Open, part of the OSIM BWF World Superseries.

Some of the steps already initiated to raise the profile of women in Badminton are offering equal prize money for men and women disciplines, standardized 21-point rally system for men and women disciplines and equal male and female participation across the events offered – men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles.

Former world champion Nora Perry, who also heads the BWF Women in Badminton Working Group, welcomed the new rule.

“I am thrilled to be part of putting the women’s game higher on the agenda in the BWF. And the new clothing regulations are one of the tools that can help create a better presentation and more distinct profile of the women’s game”, said Perry.

“We need to be able to differentiate the women’s game to create the attention that the women’s game deserves. Being a woman myself I do not think that the rules in any way discriminate against women. The rules give sufficient room for the players to chose comfortable clothing and still be living up to the intentions of the regulations.”

